The Stay and Train program at Carlson Acres is conducted in a highly-structured environment while focusing on the desired/needed set of skills. Your dog will live with us for at least two (2) weeks and be trained by Carlson Acres Owner/Trainer Chandra Carlson. Upon completion we will review your dog's newly acquired skillset with you, and how to retain those skill.
Our programs are guaranteed for the lifetime of the dog.
We provide complementary refresher lessons on basic obedience commands.
Our Stay and Train program is ideal for puppies, busy owners, or dogs that need extra attention.




Training from an early age is key for confident, cooperative, and easy-to-live with dogs. Our program provides your puppy with the building blocks and a solid foundation for continued growth, a good working relationship, and happy/healthy interactions with the world around them. Our program is completely customized for each dog and household. We work intently to teach your dog the behaviors and skills that will benefit the puppy and you after training and throughout life.
Our exclusive, Stay and Train Puppy Program is based in positive reinforcement. While being immersed into a real home setting and real life situations, the puppy will be exposed to many different experiences and training opportunities inside and outside of the home, which will set your puppy up for success in facing new situations.
Your puppy's day to day routine during the program will consist of multiple training sessions spread throughout the day, chances for proper human introductions/socialization, proper dog to dog interactions/behaviors, time/chances for exploring the outdoors, lots of treats, toys, chances for play, and constant application of positive behavior shaping training.
At the end of your puppy's stay with us we will meet with you to reintroduce you and your puppy. We will demonstrate your puppy's newly acquired or improved skill set. We will discuss the newly learned skills and behaviors and work with you, giving you the tools to continue to work with your puppy at home. Together we will develop a continued training plan that will keep you and your puppy on the path of success.
To get started with Puppy Camp we ask you to complete our PUPPY CAMP ASSESSMENT request form. (click grey box below) We will then call you and set up an in person meeting where we meet your dog, give you the opportunity to meet us, ask any questions about the training you may have, discuss training goals, and develop the training plan together.
There is a $50 assessment fee that will go towards cost of chosen package.
14 day program | $1204
For puppies less than 5 months old

2+ WEEK program | $1274+
The longer you wait on adjusting undesired patterns and behaviors, the more work it will be when we get to restructuring it. Not impossible by any means but dogs, just like humans, are pattern learners. This means the longer they get in the habit/pattern/routine of doing something a certain way, the longer it takes us to dismantle it, rewire the behaviors, and get moving with the desired ones.
In our Skills & Manners Camp, we will work on polite manners exhibited in the home, with other dogs, boundaries with dogs and people, learn calming behaviors, all basic obedience directives : Stay, Down, Leave it, Place, Come, Nose Touch, Leash Walking & incorporate distractions like walking past dogs, kids playing, coming when called from far away.
Your dogs day to day routine during the program will consist of multiple training sessions spread throughout the day, chances for proper human introductions/socialization, proper dog to dog interactions/behaviors, time/chances for exploring the outdoors, lots of treats, toys, chances for play, and constant application of positive behavior shaping training.

At the end of your dog's stay with us, we will meet with you to demonstrate your dog's newly acquired or improved skill set. We will discuss the newly learned skills and behaviors and work with you, giving you the tools to continue to work with your dog at home. Together we will develop a continued training plan that will keep you and your dog on the path of success.
To get started with the Skills & Manners camp, we ask you to complete our SKILLS & MANNERS CAMP ASSESSMENT request form. (click grey box below) We will then call you and set up an in person meeting where we meet your dog, give you the opportunity to meet us, ask any questions about the training you may have, discuss training goals, and develop the training plan together.
There is a $50 assessment fee that will go towards cost of chosen package.
For puppies/dogs over the age of 5 months old

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